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"Higher education headlines" Ministry of Education announced the degree points added and cancelled in 2019, which universities are more?

Hits: 3891626 2020-04-03

Recently, the Ministry of Education issued the notice of the degree committee of the State Council on Issuing the list of degree authorization points revoked and added by the independent examination unit of degree authorization in 2019 and the notice of the degree committee of the State Council on dynamically adjusting the list of degree authorization points revoked and added in 2019. According to the notice, the enrollment of revoked degree authorization points and the degree granting of graduate students in school shall be carried out in accordance with the provisions of the dynamic adjustment measures for the categories of degree authorization subjects and professional degrees.
Screenshot of the official website of the Ministry of Education
In the list of degree authorization points added by universities in 2019, a total of 46 degree points were added. Tianjin University added 5; Beijing Normal University, Lanzhou University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Tongji University and University of Chinese Academy of Sciences added 3. In the list of degree authorization points revoked by universities in 2019, a total of 3 degree authorization points were revoked. One was cancelled by Peking University and two by Xiamen University.
In the list of degree authorization points (province by province) dynamically adjusted and added in 2019, 231 degree points were added by universities or units. Jilin University and Inner Mongolia University of technology each add 5 degree authorization points; Central South University, Shanxi University, Anhui Engineering University, Shanxi Normal University, Guizhou University, Jilin Agricultural University and Suzhou University each add 4.
In the list of degree authorization points (province by province) dynamically adjusted and revoked in 2019, 193 degree points were revoked by universities or units. Shanxi University and Sichuan University cancelled 9 degree authorization points, Xiamen University 8, Southeast University, Hunan Normal University, Jilin University and Jilin Agricultural University 5 respectively.
The specific statistics are as follows:
Statistics of degree authorization points added or cancelled by universities independently audited in 2019 (attached with the statistics are the specific degree authorization points added by each university):
Statistics of degree authorization points dynamically adjusted and added in 2019 (attached with the statistics are the specific degree authorization points added by each province and University):
Statistics of degree authorization points dynamically adjusted and revoked in 2019:
The following is a detailed list:
List of degree authorization points added by universities for independent review of degree authorization in 2019
List of degree authorization points cancelled by universities for independent review of degree authorization in 2019
The following is a list of academic degrees authorized by the dynamic adjustment in 2019. (if you need to see the list of degree authorization points revoked in 2019, please visit the official website of the Ministry of education or pay attention to the official account of WeChat public number and reply to the 2019 degree point.
Source: Ministry of Education
Notice: except for the original authorized articles, all other articles are reprinted, and the copyright belongs to the original author or platform. Please let us know if there is any infringement.
-End - source: Ministry of soft science and education
Share delivery value ID: cgaojia

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