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Poke here! View the enrollment of Arts Majors in Southeast University in 2020

Hits: 3891351 2020-04-01

Southeast University will continue to recruit art candidates in 2020. According to the relevant provisions of the notice on doing well in the enrollment of special types of colleges and universities in 2020 (Teaching Department [2019] No. 10), Southeast University will select art candidates with both excellent qualities and outstanding specialties on the principle of fairness, justice and openness.
Enrollment major and plan
Conditions for registration
1. It is in line with the requirements for enrollment for the national college entrance examination in 2020 issued by the enrollment Department of the place where the students come from.
2. With strong art foundation and good health, it is in line with the physical examination standards for enrollment of general colleges and universities stipulated by the Ministry of education and the Ministry of health and the relevant supplementary regulations of Southeast University, and is not color blind or weak.
3. In 2020, our school will not organize the school examination. Candidates must take the unified examination of provincial art majors in the source area and obtain the qualification.
Admission principle
1. When filling in the college entrance examination, candidates shall fill in the corresponding batches of our school according to the requirements of the enrollment Department of the place of origin.
2. When the scores of cultural courses and professional examinations of candidates reach the provincial control score line of arts undergraduate in the province (city), the province (city) will file the enrollment institutions. Candidates who file to our school, regardless of Arts and science, are selected by comprehensive ranking. For some provinces that strictly distinguish between liberal arts and science programs, they are selected according to the order of liberal arts and science.
3. The provinces and cities that are not parallel volunteer files are ranked according to the total score, the total score = (professional unified examination score × 40% + cultural course score × 60%) × 2. The provinces and cities of parallel voluntary filing are ranked according to the filing results. If the total score or filing score is the same, the higher the score of culture course (including policy bonus) in college entrance examination is preferred; the same score of culture course in college entrance examination, the students of literature and history compare the scores of Chinese, English and mathematics in turn, and the students of Science and technology compare the scores of mathematics, Chinese and English in turn.
4. After the candidates enter the school, the school will review their admission qualifications. If any fraud is found, the student status shall be cancelled.
The enrollment of Art Majors in Southeast University shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant regulations of the Ministry of education. If the enrollment policy of the Ministry of education and the provincial recruitment office of students in 2020 changes, the new regulations shall be followed.
The final interpretation of this enrollment brochure is in the Enrollment Office of Southeast University.
Contact information
1. Enrollment Office of Southeast University
Address: No.2, Dongnan University Road, Jiangning District, Nanjing
Post code: 211189
Tel: 4006910286
Fax: 025-52090273
Website: https://zsb.seu.edu.cn
Email: zhaoban@seu.edu.cn
2. College of art, Southeast University
Tel: 025-52091106025-83792910
Fax: 025-52091119
Website: https://arts.seu.edu.cn
Email: yishuxueyuan@seu.edu.cn
3. Supervision Tel.: 025-52090126
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