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Announcement of donation income and expenditure of Nanjing Alumni Association of Southeast University

Hits: 3891668 2020-04-03

On January 30, the Nanjing Alumni Association of Southeast University launched a fund-raising initiative for alumni in Nanjing to fight against the epidemic, which has all ended.
The following is the account and usage of this fund-raising activity. You are welcome to supervise it.
1、 The donation received a total of 695498.02 yuan from 251 alumni. The details are as follows:
(ranked by last name strokes)
Once again, I would like to thank all the alumni who participated in this donation. It is your donation and love that make us feel the power of unity and bring the most timely warmth and help to the medical staff and workers at the forefront of the fight against the epidemic. On behalf of Nanjing Alumni Association of Southeast University, we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to all alumni who have devoted their love! Thank you!
2、 Use of donation:
1. Purchase 20000 FFP2 protective masks with the unit price of 18 yuan / mask, totaling 360000 yuan, and donate them to Zhongda Hospital.
2. Through the education foundation of Southeast University and other donation units, 20000 medical 3M N95 protective masks can be purchased, with the unit price of 25 yuan / mask, of which 335498.02 yuan will be borne, and the aid foundation will be entrusted to donate to CUHK hospital.
The official account of Southeast University Alumni Association of Nanjing
Edited by: new media business department of Nanjing Alumni Association
Typesetting: Zhao Wenyuan

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