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Focus on the key information of the strong foundation plan disclosed by many universities such as Beihang, Southeast University and Central South University

Hits: 3892097 2020-04-06

Recently, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Southeast University, Central South University, Ocean University of China and other universities held online enrollment policy lectures, and revealed the key information of strong base plan enrollment. The specific contents of the policies still need to wait for the official release of the enrollment brochures for the strong foundations of colleges and universities.
Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
At present, application Majors: mathematics, physics, chemistry, information and Computing Science (for artificial intelligence), aircraft power engineering, information security (for network security), engineering mechanics.
Southeast University
All students of the strong foundation plan apply on the same platform, and each student is limited to one school
The shortlist shall be determined according to a certain multiple of the enrollment plan, and the specific proportion of shortlist shall be subject to the officially announced enrollment brochure
In principle, it is not allowed to transfer majors, but only within the scope of the strong foundation program
Central South University
It is expected to release the enrollment brochure in mid to late April
Shortlisted proportion: tentatively 1:3
Currently applied Majors: mathematics, applied physics, applied chemistry, life science
Admission criteria: the comprehensive scores are calculated according to the rules of 85% of college entrance examination scores and 15% of school entrance examination scores. The content of the school test is interview without written test. Sports tests will be arranged in accordance with the regulations of the Ministry of education.
Ocean University of China
Current application Majors: basic disciplines such as Bioscience and pharmacy
Training program: small class teaching, tutor system teaching, and combination of undergraduate and postgraduate education
Statement: the information from the universities in April 5th online recruitment policy introduction, from the high school (XESWX_GD) WeChat official account, the final policy is issued by the University official.
Concerned about the official account of the high school, the first time to understand the information of the 36 universities.

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