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Skin care boys use cleansing cream after cleansing without any toner and lotion.

Hits: 3892157 2020-04-07

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Is your skin easy to dry and oily? Facial cleanser only cleans a little rubbish and grease from the skin. After washing, the pores are open. If it's not used with water emulsion, the skin is prone to lose water, dry and oil. If it's used with water, it can replenish water. If it's used with milk, it can lock water. If it's more concerned about the state of the skin, it's recommended to use it or a series of products.
In summer, you can only use cleansing cream. It's just dry in autumn and winter. Only using cleansing cream will make skin more dry. So, suggest that you use a little moisturizing lotion, and suggest it.
After the toner moisturizes and cleans the face, when it is still wet, wipe the face lightly with the make-up cotton and make-up water. Do not wait until the face is completely dry to make up the water, so the moisturizing effect will be greatly reduced. According to their own skin conditions, choose suitable make-up water. Generally speaking, mm for dry skin should use toner, mm for oily skin should use toner, and mm for sensitive skin should use special anti allergy water.
The emulsion has good moisturizing effect and moisturizing effect. It is especially suitable for dry spring and autumn two seasons. If the skin is neutral, it can also be used in winter.
For eye care, choose the eye cream suitable for you. Dip the ring finger with the amount of rice grain, smear it gently in a clockwise direction, and massage until it is absorbed.
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