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Rubbing the lotion is still necessary to wipe the cream? Many girls don't understand. Their skin is getting worse

Hits: 3896524 2020-04-30

Now when the season is changing, many girls' skin starts to get bad. Because of the weather, there are dry skin, long fine lines, dark skin and other problems, but these problems cause troubles for us girls who love beauty. We should start to prepare skin care in time, but how much do you know about your skin for skin care? Even some skin care products do not know the sequence of dressing. Is it like rubbing the lotion to wipe the face cream? Most of the girls don't understand it, which leads to the skin getting worse and worse. Today I'll tell you about it.
First of all, if you don't know your skin type, don't listen to other people's opinions at will. Believe that other people's skin care experience for you. Everyone's skin type is different. Maybe your skin is oily and the other person is dry. Then the nutrients you need will be different for different skin types.
Therefore, for emulsion and cream, for oily skin, it is no longer necessary to wipe the face cream after rubbing the lotion, because the emulsion has completely played the role of locking the skin's moisture, and then wipe the face cream will only make your skin unable to bear so much nutrition, resulting in skin barrier isolation, resulting in a gradual deterioration of the skin, and even some phenomena such as smallpox.
Compared with most people, lotion and cream should be used as long as one of them is used, because the effect of the emulsion and the cream is the same, but the cream will be more moist and more durable than the emulsion, but using one of the nutrients is enough, so the two together will only cause useless work, and the skin will become worse and worse. Therefore, for the sake of more delicate and smooth skin, you should not use them together.
It has the functions of whitening, removing yellow, lightening spots, removing yellow and lightening acne. It can improve the dullness and yellowing of the skin, improve the glossiness of the skin, repair the dry and rough skin, moisten and whiten the skin, soften the skin, keep the moisture for a long time, delay the aging of the skin, shrink the pores, tighten the skin, and enhance the elasticity of the skin. It has special effects on the natural black and yellow skin, blemish, thick black skin, dull and uneven skin
Golden snail moisturizing cream cream
The Brightening Lotion for Oriental women's skin is effective in improving the skin's slow metabolism, dark skin and waxy complexion. It can continuously moisturize and apply to the whole family, constantly supplement multiple nutrients to the skin, easy to absorb, help to improve rough problems, increase skin elasticity, and improve fine lines.
Fanzhen chicken leg granule placental element capsule
After 30 years of age, collagen is secretly running away. This placenta essence contains a lot of collagen, which can effectively improve the rough, dark yellow and fine lines of facial skin.

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