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Xixiu product sensitive muscle can be used! What is sensitive muscle? How to daily maintain sensitive skin? Is Xixiu agent good?

Hits: 3866610 2019-10-28

What is sensitive muscle?
Sensitive skin is a kind of problem skin, which may be accompanied by sensitive skin in any skin type, that is to say, you are likely to be oil sensitive or dry sensitive. Sensitive skin is fragile and unstable, and it is extremely easy to be stimulated by the outside world, resulting in swelling, itching, peeling, tingling, rash and other discomfort.
Characteristics of sensitive skin
1. The facial skin is thin, delicate and white, and the capillaries are indistinct.
2. The secretion of sebum is less and dry, the ability of cuticle to lock water is reduced, and the formation of sebum membrane on the skin surface is incomplete.
3. It is easy to dry and itch around the eyes, lips, joints and neck or produce small fine lines.
4. After contacting cosmetics or seasonal allergy, it is easy to cause skin allergy, with redness, swelling and itching, lack of luster, and congestion and redness on cheeks.
5. Due to seasonal changes, the skin is prone to unstable state. The main symptoms are itching, burning, tingling and small rash.
Sensitizing factors of sensitive skin
In order to eliminate sensitivity and make skin healthier, the first step is to find out the causes of sensitivity. There are many causes of skin sensitivity, such as heredity, disease, cosmetics intolerance, season change and so on. Generally, it can be divided into four types, with different types, causes and symptoms. Next, Jin sauce will analyze one by one:
1. Special sensitivity
Also known as genetic sensitivity, the skin is inherently fragile and sensitive, vulnerable to external stimulation and sensitive reactions.
Allergic symptoms: dermatitis, eczema
2. Vascular nervous sensitivity
The blood vessel wall is fragile, which has obvious response to environment, temperature change and inappropriate diet.
Allergic symptoms: the skin is prone to redness and redness.
3. Contact sensitivity
Skin contact with some irritating ingredients in cosmetics will produce allergic reactions.
Allergic symptoms: itching, swelling, tingling
4. Environmental sensitivity
Skin irritation caused by seasonal changes, extreme changes in temperature, ultraviolet rays or external pollution.
Allergic symptoms: eczema, acne.
How should sensitive skin be maintained daily?
1: moderately clean
Moderate cleaning is the key point of sensitive skin maintenance. The face skin directly contacts with the outside world, and the dust in the air and the oil secreted by the skin itself will be mixed and attached to the face. If not cleaned in time, it will cause pore blockage, cause bacteria growth, and aggravate skin allergy. Special attention should be paid to the water temperature when cleaning the face. It is not easy to clean the skin with overheated water, because overheated water temperature will stimulate the fragile sebum and aggravate the symptoms of itching and tingling.
2: moisturizing, anti allergy is the key
Sensitive skin, because of its thin cuticle, is difficult to keep enough water, and it will feel water shortage and dryness more easily than ordinary people. Therefore, sensitive skin partners must supplement skin water in time to keep skin hydrated!
3: sunscreen and anti allergy
Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen, important things say three times! ,
5: healthy eating habits
In the aspect of diet, we should pay attention to the balance of nutrition, eat more dairy products, bean products and fresh vegetables and fruits to enhance the skin resistance. Avoid seafood or spicy food.
How to choose skin care products for sensitive skin?
When the skin is sensitive and fragile, it is not suitable to give the skin too much burden and heavy frost texture when choosing maintenance products. It's important to use skin care products properly! Next, Jin sauce will share with you that Xixiu products are suitable for sensitive skin!
Xixiu products for sensitive skin
The first big block: the skin care products of the Centella asiatica series, there are 8 products: small green box Silk Mask, sunscreen repair ice film, amino acid facial cleanser, pat water, pat milk, air cushion CC, plain cream, moisturizing cream.
Second big pieces: skin care products, ink algae, and four products are: ink algae replenishment, Firming Facial Mask, ink algae moistening beauty muscle fluid, ink algae Skin Brightening Essence, algal multi effect repair cream.
The third block: shampoo series, no silicone oil shampoo, no silicone oil conditioner.
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