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The model of the times has been publicized since ancient times, and the benevolence of doctors has been spread forever

Hits: 3890888 2020-03-30

The Propaganda Department of Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the Communist Party of China awarded the honorary title of "model of the times" to Qiu Haibo, a famous expert in critical medicine, a distinguished professor and doctoral supervisor of Southeast University, deputy secretary of the Party committee and Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the affiliated Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University. In response to the call of the University, the Party branch of the undergraduate students of the school of Electronic Science and engineering and the school of microelectronics of Southeast University carried out the study to Qiu Haibo Activities and online life meeting of undergraduate Party members.
At the meeting, the branch secretary first made a summary of the recent work of the branch and an online work plan, and then by watching the video, the members of the branch learned from Comrade Qiu Haibo's advanced deeds. Then Wang Yihui, the guidance teacher of the Party branch of undergraduate students, mobilized the party members and students, and invited two comrades who joined the temporary Party branch of Hubei Province to express their recent thoughts and introduce their families Epidemic situation and learning and living conditions in the countryside. Finally, some representatives of the party members exchanged their thoughts on learning from Professor Qiu Haibo and their study and life at home during the epidemic.
Branch secretary talks about work
First of all, comrade Mu Chen, Secretary of the branch, made a summary of the recent work of the branch and an explanation of the online work plan for the members of the branch.
Summary of the work of the branch in the near future by Comrade Mu Chen, Secretary of the branch:
1、 Party member development
At present, 19 activists have joined the party, and Mr. Jiang Xuehua, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the Academy, has completed an online conversation with these 19 students.
2、 Pilot project
We have completed the online interview and push work for Qiu Feng and Miao Wei's two alumni, and have been able to learn and work for the whole school in the official account platform of the "east big electronics".
3、 Branch online learning
The official account of the Southeast University worker has been sent to a branch to send a message. The news bulletin and related knowledge on the issue of graphene mask were given by Sun Litao, Dean of the electronic college.
4、 Communication and exchange with students who joined Hubei temporary Party branch
Members of the Party branch pay close attention to the study and life of Hubei students. It is understood that the temporary Party branch of Hubei has organized video conference to exchange and appease students in various cities.
5、 Communication with overseas students
The Party branch has also made contact with the preparatory party members and activists in overseas exchanges and sent greetings to their life and study in the form of video conference.
Online work plan description:
1、 Undergraduate Party member development online work
Through online guidance, students who want to join the party will hand written application for joining the party, and through Tencent conference, online education for joining the party will be carried out.
2、 On line daily study and supervision of probationary party members and formal party members
Organize party members to conscientiously study the Southeast University worker's official account, the micro learning related push, and select excellent learning feelings to participate in the school essay competition.
The Party branch shall do a good job in the supervision of the party members during the epidemic period, and supervise the party members to keep their classes open and stay at home.
3、 Do a good job of online push of branch Microlearning
The official account of WeChat electronics, the official account of the electronic college, is publicizing the work of the Party branch, and the Party branch's work is taken as the platform for the whole hospital to learn and correct. Arrange each party member to participate in wechat production.
4、 Work line arrangement of Navigation Engineering
We will continue to collect alumni for online interviews, collect questions, make appointments for interviews, and push production.
5、 On the work arrangement of Hubei students
Chen Weixin and Bian SiGe, two students of the branch, joined the temporary Party branch of Hubei Province. The Party branch of electronic college will actively pay attention to the situation and ideological trend of the two students. If there is any difficulty, the party members of the branch will give full support and help and encourage them to go through this difficult period.
Benevolent doctor, retrograde hero
Qiu Haibo is the Deputy Secretary of the Party committee, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee and professor of the affiliated Zhongda Hospital of Southeast University, and a famous expert in critical medicine. For more than 30 years, he has always put people's life safety and physical health first, dedicated and respected life, devoted to scientific research and cultivation of talents, and promoted Jiangsu's critical medicine discipline to take the lead in the country. Whenever novel coronavirus pneumonia is encountered in the battle against the new crown pneumonia, he is always a member of the central steering group of Hubei and a member of the National Health Committee. He has been in the forefront of the fight against the disease. He arrived at the forefront of the fight against disease before fighting. He has been fighting at the forefront of the treatment of patients, and has been using expert techniques to save lives and experts in science. Coping strategies such as sinking, national rescue and building shelter hospital have made outstanding contributions to stabilizing the anti epidemic situation and reversing the passive situation. They have fully demonstrated the noble moral sentiments and deep patriotic feelings of the children of Jiangsu Province who are in urgent need, stand up and bear the heavy responsibilities bravely. They are outstanding representatives of medical workers in Jiangsu Province in the new era.
We learned from Comrade Qiu Haibo's advanced deeds through video learning. In the video of the model conference of Qiu Haibo's era, comrade Qiu Haibo stood up and went retrograde in the national crisis. He bravely shouldered the country's important task for many times and protected his life with the benevolence of doctors. He always put himself as a clinical physician and even as a clinician on his lips He has to do the high-risk operation of inserting breathing tube himself. Through his efforts and many other medical experts' countless days and nights, the new coronavirus diagnosis and treatment plan has been updated to the seventh version. In addition to treating the patients in his own hospital every day, Dr. Qiu Haibo will visit the hospitals around the world to teach the medical staff his experience and experience.
As a student of Party members in the school of electronics of Southeast University and a leading talent in the future of electronics industry, we should earnestly learn from Comrade Qiu Haibo's leading style, play a leading role of Party members at critical moments, show the feelings of the family and the country and the social responsibility of the East adults, bravely bear the fate of the times, use excellent professional skills and selfless service to release youth dreams and serve the motherland people People.
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Teachers and students talk about their thoughts Online
At the meeting, we invited the guidance teachers of the Party branch of undergraduate students to mobilize the party members' ideas, and invited Bian SiGe and Chen Weixin of the temporary Party branch of Hubei Province to exchange their thoughts on watching the video, and they introduced the epidemic situation in their hometown and their learning and living conditions for us. Finally, we invited the representatives of the party members and students from sophomore, junior and senior to talk about learning Qiu Hai Professor Bo's experience and experience, and shared with you the specific situation of learning and living at home in the near future:
Wang Yihui, instructor of the Party branch of undergraduate students:
During this epidemic period, I think party members should think about: what role should Party members play in epidemic prevention and what thinking should they make?
Since we have chosen to be a party member, we need to rush ahead, just like Professor Sun Litao, the dean of our college, helped the front line by providing high-quality masks. Our teachers use their professional knowledge to assist in the construction of the shelter hospital. During the epidemic period, they made their own contributions to Wuhan and the people, reflecting the responsibilities of e-people and Party members. We don't have to go to Wuhan like Comrade Qiu Haibo, but we can contribute our strength during the epidemic by participating in voluntary activities within our capabilities, making a positive voice online, or learning one-on-one to help those students who have difficulties in online classes. There is a heat, a light. Infinite distance, endless people, are all about you. Make an effort when you have the chance, do yourself well when you have no chance, and learn to look for the bright spots as Party members and comrades.
Chen Weixin (born in Huanggang, Hubei Province, member of Hubei undergraduate temporary Party branch):
Professor Qiu Haibo, as an expert in critical medicine, rushed to Wuhan to rescue the patient immediately after knowing the epidemic situation. This pioneering spirit is worth learning from all our classmates. Professor Qiu's behavior represents the behavior of a large number of medical staff all over the country. It is their behavior that has become the most powerful shield for us to prevent and control the epidemic. We should pay the highest tribute to this behavior. On the other hand, Professor Qiu is strict with his students and does not allow them to make any mistakes in small matters. This kind of morality is worthy of our respect and expectation. He is the model of the times and the mainstay of the times. Inspired by the spirit of Professor Qiu Haibo, we will overcome difficulties, keep moving forward and be invincible!
As far as the epidemic situation is concerned, Huanggang City and Wuhan city were closed on the same day (24:00 p.m. that day). During the epidemic, as a member of the Communist Party, I signed up as a volunteer and participated in the patrol work. Supervise the external personnel, ensure the life and health of the village people, help everyone solve the problems of basic materials, contact materials, etc. Later, on the day of tree planting day (March 12), our side was unsealed. At present, the overall anti epidemic situation is generally good, and people can move freely, but they still need to wear masks when going out.
Affected by the epidemic, our school was delayed. In terms of the recent online learning, we may not adapt to it at the beginning, which is the same for me. At first, it was inconvenient to take notes and mark, and there was no textbook. Later, with the continuous exploration of various editing software, Adobe pdf editor was found. This editing software can basically meet the needs of taking notes and provide a powerful help for learning. After a day's study, in the spare time in the evening, I will watch other learning videos and find some skills related to my major to learn.
Bian SiGe (born in Wuhan, Hubei Province, member of Hubei undergraduate temporary Party branch):
Watching the video of Comrade Qiu Haibo, I feel deeply. Qiu Haibo, a great doctor, is one of the most outstanding representatives of "Kuang Shi Ji Shi". Novel coronavirus pneumonia is the most important hospital for patients with severe pneumonia. From the first day of stepping into Wuhan, he takes away every day in the hospital of the intensive hospital of the golden silver pond hospital, the Wuhan Pulmonary Hospital and the Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, risking his life to breathe and intubate the new severe pneumonia patients. It is the responsibility of each of us to fight against the epidemic. As medical students, they have a stronger sense of responsibility and mission. Salute the angel in white, Salute every rebel fighting in the front line!
Recently, the number of confirmed cases in Wuhan has dropped to single digits, and the shelter hospitals around Hubei have been closed for several days. After completing the novel coronavirus pneumonia treatment in the shelter hospital, many medical teams have been relocating for several days, and began to evacuate in March 18th. The 24-hour closed management of the surrounding community is still ongoing, and the necessary returning personnel will also be monitored by volunteers when entering and leaving the community. Every day, the residents of the community will purchase living materials, firewood, rice, oil and salt through some online group shopping platforms, and then collect them at the entrance of the community one by one in order. Some residents who are not convenient to go out, the online shoppers in the community will also send vegetables to the door for free.
During the outbreak, I experienced online classes for the first time. Online courses are very convenient and free from location constraints. Students can attend classes at home, which can reduce the risk of infection and do not delay normal teaching. At the same time, online courses can also be played back infinitely after recording screen, and you can listen again if you don't understand. However, online teaching is not supervised by teachers, and sometimes it is inevitable to make a small difference. I hope the epidemic will end soon, let's go back to the traditional learning

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