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Lu Jianquan et al. | research on the stabilization of non periodic sampled Boolean control networks with unstable subsystems based on switching mechanism

Hits: 3895776 2020-04-26

Content introduction
Chinese Abstract:
This paper aims to further study the global stability of Boolean control networks with aperiodic sampling control. The previous work points out that a Boolean control network with aperiodic sampling control can be transformed into a switched Boolean network; by studying the global stability of the transformed switched Boolean network, the global stability of the Boolean control network with aperiodic sampling control can be further obtained. Unfortunately, because the main idea of the previous work is to use the stable subsystem to offset the state divergence caused by the unstable subsystem, the switching Boolean network considered contains at least one stable subsystem. The main idea of this paper is that appropriate switching behavior can also have good stability, that is, when all subsystems are unstable, the switching Boolean network can also be stable by designing appropriate switching law. This is totally different from the thought of the previous work. Specifically, in this case, the dwell time is required to be limited to a pair of upper and lower bounds; then, a sufficient condition for global stability is obtained by using the discrete Lyapunov function and dwell time method; finally, the conclusion is demonstrated by a biological example.
key word:
Aperiodic sampling control; Boolean control network; unstable subsystem; discrete Lyapunov function; dwell time
Sun Liangjie 1, Lu Jianquan 1, Wai ki ching2
School of mathematics, Southeast University, Nanjing, China, 210096
2 Department of mathematics, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Reference format:
Liang-jie Sun, Jian-quan Lu, Wai-Ki Ching. Switching-based stabilization of aperiodic sampled-data Boolean control networks with all subsystems unstable[J]. Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering, 2020, 21(2): 260-267.https://doi.org/10.1631/FITEE.1900312
Professor Lu Jianquan received his bachelor's degree from Zhejiang Normal University in 2003, master's degree in mathematics from Southeast University in 2006 and doctor's degree from City University of Hong Kong in 2009, majoring in Mathematics / applied mathematics. From 2010 to 2012, he was a researcher in Humboldt, Germany. He is now a professor in the school of mathematics of Southeast University. Professor Lu Jianquan has published more than 70 papers in international journals. He is editorial board member of near process lett, J Franklin Inst and near compute appl, guest editor of math compute simul and IET contr theory appl. In 2010, he was supported by the "new century excellent talents support program" of the Ministry of education, and was awarded the 2014-2016 Elsevier China high cited scientist, 2018-2019 Thomson Reuters / corewellian Global High cited scientist. Research interests include complex dynamic networks, collective behavior in multi-agent systems, and Boolean control networks.
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Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering (fitee for short, Chinese Name: information and electronic engineering Frontier (English), ISSN 2095-9184, CN 33-1389 / TP) is a comprehensive English academic monthly of information electronics, included by SCI-E and EI, with the latest impact factor 1.033. Formerly known as "Journal of Zhejiang University, English edition, Part C: computer and Electronics" founded in 2010, it is now the only Journal of the information and Electronic Engineering Department of the Chinese Academy of engineering. It covers computer, information and communication, control, electronics, optics and other fields. Article types include research papers, reviews, personal perspectives, reviews, etc. The current chief editors are pan Yunhe and Lu Xicheng, academicians of the Chinese Academy of engineering. The international peer review system is implemented, and the first time to convey opinions is generally within 2-3 months. Once the article is hired, it will be online quickly.
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