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Personnel series live broadcast | intelligent personnel management construction in Colleges and universities, Southeast University's response is very beautiful

Hits: 3896045 2020-04-28

With the continuous development of information technology, the information technology of domestic colleges and universities has gradually transformed from the initial management information to the service information. In the process of transformation, the management information system directly facing the school staff has been placed in the forefront of the transformation. The putting forward and practice of "people-oriented" concept, the reform of talent development system, the combination of streamlining administration and decentralization, the optimization of service, informatization 2.0 and other policies all put forward more and more specific requirements for the personnel reform of colleges and universities. Among them, some colleges and universities are in the forefront of personnel reform in Colleges and universities, and they have handed over high scores. From this spring, Jinzhi, together with many excellent universities, will explore the development channel of the construction of intelligent personnel management system in universities.
We are looking forward to the first live series of personnel scenes in Colleges and universities
Southeast University -- multi department cooperation, deepening personnel reform
Southeast University is one of the national key construction universities of "985 Project" and "211 Project", and it is a famous institution of higher learning at home and abroad.
Around "personnel management and service", the school provides teachers with a service platform, and constructs a full life cycle information application service covering teachers and workers from entering school, in school to leaving school. Among them, getting through the cross domain data to support teachers' performance score assessment has become a new card of personnel reform in Southeast University.
Southeast University, based on its own actual development, printed and distributed the measurement method of teachers' performance score in 2019 to build a new performance score assessment system. The new score assessment system combs and analyzes the business source data required for assessment, integrates the relevant data of the information systems such as the integration system of this research, the social science system of scientific research and the platform for claiming scientific research achievements, so as to realize teaching and scientific research Interworking and sharing of data and score assessment system.
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On May 9, Jinzhi education invited the pioneer leaders of personnel reform in Southeast University to launch the personnel management reform driven by quantitative teacher score assessment - Southeast University Innovative intelligent personnel practice sharing to share in-depth the thinking and behavior of Dongda in the construction of intelligent personnel, and discuss with you the new direction of sustainable development in the future.
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In addition to Dongda, there are also remarkable achievements in personnel reform in these universities.
Nanjing University - cross department data communication and system page optimization
Nanjing University improves its management efficiency and service level in personnel business through advanced means of informatization. Among them, good results have been achieved in the recruitment of talents, the evaluation of professional titles in cooperation with the system of one person one post employment for all the members of the school and the submission of experts for review.
Yunnan University - data integration and sharing, post system update
Yunnan University makes every effort to implement the strategy of "developing the University by learning" and "strengthening the University by talents", supports personnel service and retiree management by means of information technology, and builds various platforms for talents. At present, the whole life cycle system of intelligent personnel has been developed and operated smoothly.
Southwest Jiaotong University - efficient salary management and precise performance management
"Strengthening the school with talents" has always been one of the core development strategies of Southwest transportation. We should vigorously promote the introduction of high-quality talents and build a first-class faculty and management team. Among them, salary management is in the forefront of colleges and universities.
In the future, we will continue to bring you a series of live sharing of personnel construction cases, please look forward to~~

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