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Why is it so hard for children to learn?

Hits: 3896631 2020-04-30

Which parent doesn't want to have a "child from another family" who can answer "I don't know, I don't care about anything" when other parents ask "how can your child learn so well"
But the ideal is very full, the reality is very bone feeling. When you look at the bright red 60 points on the child's test paper, you can only constantly recite in your heart "natural, natural, natural..." To suppress the surging power of the body, even the topic that can interrupt at the parents' meeting is only why the children learn so badly: "poor attention, distraction", "carelessness, no examination", "procrastination, procrastination"
It's hard to be reconciled, so you opened the "chicken baby" mode. Since then, your mother has become a stepmother, breathing the air of 1:00 a.m. with her children every day, listening to each other's complaints and feeling the cold war atmosphere at home
Apply more mask can not save such a laboring face, but you still insist on finally sticking to the exam season, so you see the bright red 60 points.
What's going on? How can parents pay so much to improve their children's learning? Maybe many of your learning methods and cognition are wrong
For example, a father once paid special attention to the self-discipline of his children. When he asked experts for help, he said: "I hope that the child can develop such self-discipline. For example, if he is reading at night and needs to take a bath, he should immediately put down his books to take a bath." are you supportive of this father, but Dr. Yang yuankui from the center for learning science and research of Dongnan University replied in this way
In fact, many of our parents' cognition of children's learning is wrong, many of our guidance is also lack of scientific basis, and even mislead children to some extent. So in life, how should parents recognize children's learning difficulties and how can they help children overcome them to improve their learning state?
We specially invite Mr. Yang yuankui, Ph.D. in learning science, School of Biomedical Engineering, learning science research center and Key Laboratory of children's development and learning science of the Ministry of education, to provide parents and children with simple, effective and executable learning strategies and learning suggestions through live online Q & A on May 2 (this Saturday).
May 2 (this Saturday) 19:30 scan the QR code in the picture to participate
Welcome interested children and parents to ask questions
Dr. Yang yuankui:
1. He works in the Key Laboratory of the Ministry of education of children's development and learning science, the research center of learning science of Southeast University, the school of biological science and medical engineering of Southeast University, and is responsible for the work of children's emotion laboratory;
2. Director of Jiangsu psychological society, deputy director of general and experimental psychological professional committee;
3. Professor of science training program of national training program of Ministry of education;
4. China Association for science and technology - UNICEF "youth social emotional learning" project expert;
5. Member of the International Association of mind, brain and education;
6. Columnist of "emotion and education" of China Science and technology education magazine;
7. The main research fields include brain science and education, children's psychological and behavioral development, mental health education, stem education.

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