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May 4th spirit, inherited by me: praise for the winner of the Youth May 4th Medal of Southeast University!

Hits: 3896924 2020-05-02

2020 is to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way
The final year of fighting poverty
It is the key year to achieve the first Centennial goal
Young people in various industries and fields
Perform duties and work together
In particular, the novel coronavirus pneumonia outbreak is coming.
Actively participate in the front line of prevention and control work
Make every effort to safeguard people's life, health and safety
There are many young teachers and students in Southeast University
In order to commend those who constantly explore and dare to pursue in their posts
Young teachers and students
On the occasion of the May 4th movement, the highest honor of Southeast University Youth was awarded
β€”β€”"May 4th Youth Medal of Southeast University"
May 4th spirit, inheriting me
"Youth May 4th Medal of Southeast University" (faculty)
Winners like it!!!
(click the picture twice to see who they are.)
Key words: due diligence, not forgetting the original intention
Key words: don't forget to be original and down-to-earth
Key words: industry is better than diligence, while industry is less than play, and formation is worse than thinking
Key words: devote to scientific research and climb the summit forever
Key words: down-to-earth, conscientious
Key words: youth should be our youth
Key words: dream, future
Key words: do not talk about the hardships of spring, often afraid of negative feelings
Key words: hand holding, health and sharing
Key words: it's not to stick with hope, but to stick with hope
In the year of May 4th movement, countless young people of Southeast University have devoted themselves to all walks of life or become pillars of the society
Or bravely march forward when the motherland is in difficulties
Yearning for excellence, and becoming excellent, just like the motto of Southeast University "stop at perfection"
This is the common pursuit of Dong adults

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