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Opening work! Chinese New Year, Silicon Silicon, New Year's Information, Market Power! Prophecy measurement [Prophecy]

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Happy holidays always pass quickly, and the editor is officially at work today! The market is also immediately concerned. Today we will review the pre-holiday prices. Starting in February, the silicone market has steadily increased. Some monomer plants are reluctant to sell in limited quantities. According to the mainstream DMC quotation before the Spring Festival, 21,500-22,000 yuan/ton. Industry insiders are more optimistic about the price development of silicones after the holiday, especially in the last week before the holiday. Individual monomer plants are still rising. Considering that downstream resumption of work this year tends to normalize, there will be some replenishment requirements after the holiday. Monomer plants, silicone oil, and silicone rubber manufacturers are likely to make up for the increase.
The first concern is the inventory aspect. Before the holiday, the manufacturers received better orders, and the inventory pressure is not great. This year, the domestic silicone resumption of various links is relatively optimistic, and the demand can keep up. And this year, the inventory of traders is significantly lower than last year. In addition, downstream manufacturers have demand for replenishment after the holiday. In the short term, there is no worry about the inventory of monomer plants, and the sales will continue to rise!
The second is the start-up of upstream and downstream companies. In terms of upstream companies, Elkem Spark will gradually shut down during the Spring Festival for maintenance, Zhongtian Dongfang Fluorosilicon will be shut down, Sanyou and Xingfa will be routinely overhauled, and Hesheng Silicon has an annual output of 200,000 tons of new equipment in February. Organosilicon intermediates were produced on the 10th and are expected to be fully put into production in June this year. The overall operating rate has not yet increased. Mid-stream and downstream companies have mostly followed statutory holidays this year to end their holidays. This year, in particular, they advocated celebrating the New Year in situ. Resuming work after the new year can quickly enter normal production.
Silicone oil and 107 glue market: DMC is still rising steadily before the holiday. At that time, the domestic silicone oil and 107 glue market were offered to maintain stable operation. After the holiday, there may be expected to follow up. And the traditional peak season in March is coming, silicone oil and 107 glue companies are receiving orders. good. As far as we know, due to optimism about the post-holiday market, some silicone oil and 107 glue companies are also receiving orders before the holiday, and the order is relatively tight. Agents of foreign brands of silicone oil and 107 glue were unable to drive smoothly due to Zhangjiagang installations, the supply of goods continued to be low, the transaction volume was small, the market lacked guiding quotations, and the quotations of various agents were quite different. It is expected that the silicone oil and 107 rubber markets will start to rise after the holiday, with a steady growth pattern.
Raw rubber and rubber compound market: The overall inventory of raw rubber was low before the holiday. In February, raw rubber remained strong. Most of the rubber compound manufacturers started work in the past two days. Some raw rubber did not arrive as scheduled before the holiday. Export orders for silicon products are also good, and rubber compound manufacturers have shipped smoothly and inventory is low. Because the rubber compounding companies collect payment before the holiday, the price of raw materials is not enough to keep up. Looking at it after the holiday, the price of compounding rubber has room to make up for the increase. In particular, raw rubber manufacturers are reluctant to sell in limited quantities and still continue to increase their mentality. It is expected that the rubber compound market is expected to follow up after the holiday.
On the whole, silicone DMC is expected to continue to rise after the holiday. As a direct basic raw material, the trend direction of DMC is also the focus of close attention after the holiday. The so-called rise is mostly driven by sellers and buyers! The former is also ready early. Whether market demand can start relatively synchronously with supply after the holiday, forming a smooth transfer channel, is also a factor that cannot be ignored. Judging from the orders received by the monomer plant before the holiday, the downstream stocking has already been boosted to a certain extent. , It is expected that the silicone market will maintain good fundamentals after the holiday, and it will be a good start in the new year!

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