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Xingshan, the rising "Carbon and Silicon New Material Industrial Park"!

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Xingshan County, Hubei Province, has many mountains in its territory, and the enclave park supports the county's industry. In recent years, driven by the county-owned state-owned enterprise Xingfa Group, downstream and supporting enterprises in the industrial chain have continued to gather, and the industrial cluster effect has initially appeared, and the output value of the silicon material industrial chain has exceeded 5 billion yuan. In particular, Xingshan Economic Development Zone, as one of the main battlefields for high-quality development in the county, is constantly improving various infrastructure and supporting facilities, making full use of graphite resources and the downstream products of organic silicon monomer produced by Xingfa Group, and introducing superior enterprises. Continuously cultivate and expand carbon-based silicon-based industrial clusters, and strive to build Xingshan "Carbon-silicon New Material Industrial Park".

Accelerating the development of the organic silicon industry has both broad market prospects and very important strategic significance. In order to expand and strengthen the organic silicon industry, Xingshan County has always set the goal of "creating a sophisticated industrial chain cluster". With Xingfa Group as the leader, relying on companies such as Colin Silicon, Junbang, Karel, Yabang, etc., extensively carry out business promotion and industrial chain investment promotion, and promote chain extension, chain supplementation, and strong chain to continuously cultivate and strengthen the organic silicon in Daquan County industry.
Up to now, the park has settled in 10 new organic silicon material industry enterprises. Industries such as silicone oil, fumed white carbon black, compound rubber, construction sealant, and colorant have become an important part of the domestic organic silicon industry, and many enterprises have become sub-industries. Leading enterprise. A large number of well-known enterprises in the industry, such as Shenzhen Zhengan, Shenzhen Maigao, Guangdong Yabang, Foshan Carreer, and Shandong Junbang, have settled in the park, forming an organic silicon industrial cluster with coordinated upstream and downstream development, symbiosis and coupling, and is praised by experts in the organic silicon industry as the most An organic silicon industry cluster area with development potential.

The county-owned state-owned enterprise Xingfa Group is a first-class fine chemical manufacturer in China. It ranks 465 among the top 500 Chinese enterprises and 19th among the top 100 enterprises in Hubei. Its annual production capacity of silicone methyl siloxane monomer is 360,000 tons. An important force in China's organic silicon industry. During the 14th Five-Year Plan period, Xingfa Group will continue to focus on the organic silicon industry, with monomer production capacity reaching 1 million tons, primary polymer production capacity reaching 300,000 tons, methyl silicone oil production capacity 50,000 tons, and gas phase silica production capacity 50,000 tons. Tons, ranking first in China's organic silicon industry. The organic silicon enterprises that settle in Xingshan can share the industrial development dividend of Xingfa Group first, sit on superior resources, enjoy the high-quality supply chain, and realize the rapid and high-quality development of the enterprise.

▲Park infrastructure facilities and dedicated wharf
Pingyikou Industrial Park and Dalixi Industrial Park are important parts of Xiakou Park in the county. The geographical position is superior, Yiba Expressway and Xiangxi River Freight Terminal are within easy reach. The supporting facilities in the park are improving day by day. A water plant with a daily water supply of 800 tons, a 110 kV substation, a sewage treatment plant with a daily processing capacity of 500 tons, and a public rental housing project for staff accommodation have been completed and put into use. The improvement of related facilities eliminates the worries of the settled enterprises.

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