Silicones, commonly known as silicone oil or dimethyl silicone oil
Silicones, commonly known as silicone oil or dimethyl silicone oil, are polymers of organosilicon oxides.
They are a series of polydimethylsiloxane with different molecular weights, and their viscosity increases with increasing molecular weights. This product is chemical property stable, hydrophobic, insoluble in water, soluble in gasoline, toluene and other non-polar solvents. Non-toxic to the skin, non-irritating, lubricated and easy to apply, does not hinder the normal function of the skin, does not pollute clothing, is an ideal hydrophobic matrix. This product is often used with other oily matrix made of protective ointment, used to prevent water-based substances such as acid, lye, such as the stimulation of the skin or corrosion, can also be made into emulsion matrix application. The release and penetration of silicone are faster than that of tetrodol, lanolin and Vaseline, but the cost is higher.
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