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Can high viscosity and low viscosity silicone oil be mixed evenly

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Can high viscosity and low viscosity silicone oil be mixed evenly

For silicone oil, the viscosity of silicone oil is changed by changing the amount of sealing agent. The greater the amount of sealing agent, the smaller the viscosity of silicone oil produced.
If you use silicone oil, you should buy the viscosity specification that is suitable for your use. The viscosity of silicone oil varies from high to low. You can buy whatever viscosity you want. Because once the silicone oil is produced, it is difficult to change the viscosity when it is in the hands of users. Of course, you can reduce the viscosity by heating. The higher the temperature, the lower the viscosity. However, this is temporary. After the temperature drops, the viscosity also recovers.

The more information of silicone oil, you can check:http://www.siliconeoil.net

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