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The right steps for daily skin care! Did you do it right?

Hits: 3896000 2020-04-28

Step 1: remove makeup.
In the morning, the skin care will not need this step. Everyone knows that the makeup must be removed first. Because when we make up, latex, isolation, foundation, make-up, and breathable products are coated on the face. It will also make the skin burdens. Remove the makeup with the remover oil. Then, the click into place the makeup remover oil is removed, and the mask that has been pasted for a day is uncovered. These also lay a good foundation for the later application of skin care products, removing layers of obstacles, skin care products are more easily absorbed.
The skin care products needed are makeup remover and water. Every day our skin will be exposed to a large number of dust outside, dust in the air and other things that will block the pores, so even for girls who don't make up, they should adhere to the use of makeup remover to clean the pores every day.
Step 2: clean.
If you think you can remove makeup without facial cleanser, it's a big mistake. Even if the makeup is removed, the residue of the makeup remover will also stimulate the skin. What's more, the things metabolized by the skin itself, such as dust and sweat, are mixed in the makeup remover. The residue of the makeup remover on the face is equivalent to that these things are also left on the face. It's absolutely not allowed to use the facial products.
The skin care products needed are facial cleanser / soap. There are also many kinds of facial products, such as traditional facial cleanser, soap, cream, two in one facial oil, and recently very popular facial powder. These products are creamy, creamy, gel, mousse and powdery. Mainly according to their own skin type and special circumstances. For example, if you have oily skin, use the cleanser to remove the oil. If you have dry skin, use the cleanser to moisturize and milder.
Step three: water.
Yes, it's water. Toner, toner, astringent / toner, depending on your choice. The main function of toner is to deeply clean and replenish water. And can maintain the skin water and oil balance, so that the skin to achieve an optimal state. It has become an indispensable product in skin care products. Its function is to clean again to restore the pH value of the skin surface, regulate the cuticle, make the skin absorb better, and prepare for the use of maintenance products. So after washing your face, use toner to quickly replenish water.
The fourth step: eye cream, cream, cream and cream.
These are all for fighting your skin problems. You can use them all or just one or several of them. For your skin problems, if you have spots, use freckle remover, if you have acne, use anti acne, if you want to delay skin aging, use anti wrinkle. When used together, the order is eye cream, essence, lotion and cream.
Step 5: sunscreen and isolation. Sunscreen is essential, regardless of spring, summer, autumn and winter.
Of course, I don't need to sleep at night. If you go to the bar and have UV light, you need to use it. Don't think you don't need sunscreen. Even if your skin is good, it also needs sunscreen. To be right, it's UV protection. In winter, the skin is prone to slow circulation and metabolism, and the skin renewal and repair functions are weakened. At this time, the melanin produced by ultraviolet radiation is difficult to be discharged from the body and form annoying spots. The long-term UV damage will also accelerate the aging of the skin, causing various skin problems. In short, sun protection is a must, a must, a must. Sun protection is needed every day, no matter whether it's raining, blowing, sunny, winter or summer.
With all this done, you can start playing foundation and start your make-up. It seems troublesome, but if we stick to it for a long time, we will get unexpected results. Remember to make a mask for a fixed period.
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