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The 032177 branch of the school of energy and environment won 2 honors in the selection of the national flag branch of Southeast University!

Hits: 3895998 2020-04-28

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The national flag League branch is the highest honor awarded by the Southeast University Committee of the Communist Youth League to the grassroots League organizations. Every year, the Super League branch, which stands out from more than 900 basic League branches of the University, selects the national flag League branch of the campus through strict public defense.
The branch of the national flag and regiment swearing in the glorious task of raising and lowering the national flag, actively carrying out patriotism education among the Youth League members, actively promoting exchanges among the branches, and promoting good experiences and practices to brother branches, are the model for the whole school's League members and regiment branches to learn from.
On the evening of April 22, 2020, the public defense of the national flag and regiment branch of Southeast University in 2019 was held online. After full preparation and fierce competition in the early stage, the 032177 regiment branch of the school of energy and environment passed the examination and stood out among many branches of the school, and won two honors, i.e. "Nomination award of national flag regiment branch in 2019" and "popular regiment branch in 2019".
The branch has been awarded the "Five Star League branch" of the College of energy and environment, the "first class League branch" and "super class League branch" of Southeast University. The outstanding performance on the highest display platform of the League branch of Southeast University is the result of all members of the branch being down-to-earth and accumulating in the past three years.
As an environmental person who shoulders the task of building a "beautiful China", the branch responded to the call of "green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains", and combined with professional characteristics, carried out a series of branch construction work and theme group day activities to encourage members of the branch to actively undertake the new mission of Chinese youth in the new era.
In the preparation process of the national flag and regiment branch selection, the students of the 032177 regiment branch are united. In just two weeks, the division of labor is clear and the selection task is completed brilliantly.
According to the Communist Youth League branch, each backbone of the Communist Youth League branch is in charge of a group, which cooperates with each other to complete the corresponding work. Before the preliminaries, the members of the video team changed the video over and over again for no less than 10 times, stayed up for two nights, and the final video was changed for another two nights, and finally presented a satisfactory result; the students in charge of copywriting and PPT production pondered over the manuscript repeatedly, one by one, and studied it carefully;
Preparation of Defense
Broadcast students are also tired of recording, sending, recording, sending
In order to win the "most popular Award", all the students forwarded the information of canvassing tickets to hundreds of groups, driving nearly 5000 netizens such as parents, high school students to help forward.
Thank you to all the members of the branch who have made great efforts for this campaign. Thank you for the guidance of counselors and teachers, the experience of senior students and elder sisters. Thank you to all the friends who silently praised and cheered for the branch 032177!
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Scene of Defense
The branch of the 032177 regiment thanks all the people who have been able to give advice and do their best for the branch.
The 032177 Youth League branch is just a miniature of many active and excellent nenhuan Youth League branches. I believe that more excellent youth league branches will participate in the selection of the University in the future, and I wish the construction of the basic Youth League branch of the college a higher level!
032177, in the future!
Source / College of energy and environment 032177 regiment branch
Editor / Chang Haoyang
Editor in charge / Guo Siyi
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